6. Dezember 2023
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

We try to support your manuscript preparation at whichever level you might be standing at the moment. 

The minimum requirement to sign up is that you have aquired some data which you think might enough for a manuscript, even if you did not outlining any draft. Or you might already have a rough idea about the scope and content but did not really start writing. However, also if you already have a draft for a manuscript but think it needs some more work, we think this workshop might help you.

The writing retreat will be a full day for you which you can dedicate to developing your manuscript. We start off with some advice by Prof. Gabi Schierning. Gabi has recently accepted a full professorship within the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems. After Gabi's input, there will be time for every participant to apply her advice and work on their manuscript. 

In the afternoon we will have a look together on what you have produced and perform a small internal "peer review" round. This way, you will receive some feedback on your manuscript which might help you finalize it soon. Harry will be around in the afternoon to give feedback.

Lotharstr. 57
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