January 22, 2025
Raum 202/204
Europe/Berlin timezone

The ZBT PhD Peer Mentoring Program is designed for all those that want to jump-start their dissertation in 2025.

We will start with three monthly meetings in Jan, Feb and March, 2025. During these meetings we will discuss the necessary steps to get your dissertation started. Use the in-between time to prepare and develop your dissertation outline, identifiy your supervisors and eventually sign your "Betreuungsvereinbarung"! We will help with some peer pressure! 😊

You will have the chance to ask Dr. Marco Grundler about his experience of doing a PhD whilst working at ZBT. Your potential Supervisor or Co-Supervisor Prof. Dr. Harry Hoster will also be at the meetings to discuss your project outlines and literature research. Dr. María Dávila will be sharing experience from her doctorate in Chemistry. Dr. Theresa Schredelseker will organize the meetings and be there for general advice.

1st meetingWed, January 22, 20252pm - 4.30pm
2nd meetingWed, February 19, 20252pm - 3.30pm
3rd meetingWed, March 19, 20252pm - 3.30pm





Sign up until Mon, Jan 13!

Raum 202/204
Carl-Benz-Strasse 201 47057 Duisburg
Registration for this event is currently open.