26. Februar 2025
ZBT - The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Science Management Masterclass:

Research Data Management

Target Group: scientists and engineers at ZBT

Group size: min. 6, max. 24

Trainer: Lukas Feierabend, Pit Duwentaester

Scope: 3,5 h (incl. short break)

Language: English


  • Introduction to RDM: (30 min)
    • From data management plans to long term storage and publications - an outlook on the ZBT roadmap
    • Metadata: Importance and Best Practices
  • Electronic Lab Notebooks - eLabFTW (30 min)
    • structure of an entry
    • naming and identifiers
    • examples
  • Research database at ZBT - MongoDB (90 min, hands-on examples)
    • Introduction to MongoDB (MongoDB Compass, manually importing and exporting data, simple querying)
    • Accessing MongoDB through Python (How to import and export data automatically, and built data analyses with visualizations)
  • Future RDM projects at ZBT, Feedback and Evaluation (30 min)


Note: For most of the practical parts of the workshop we use Python. So it would be good if you are familiar with it, for instance because you have attended the "Python Grundkurs".

ZBT - The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center
Carl-Benz-Straße 201 47057 Duisburg Germany
Zur Karte
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.