16. Oktober 2024
ZBT - The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Technical Workshop:

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Target Group: scientists and engineers at ZBT

Group Size: min. 6, max. 16

Trainer: Ivan Radev, Ehsan Zarmehri, Pascal Sous

Scope: 3 h

Preliminary Outline:

09:00  - 10:45 

Session 1 (Ivan Radev, Ehsan Zarmehri, Pascal Sous)

Fundamentals of EIS: Opeartion, Electrochemistry, Equivalent Circuit Model, Analysis, Live Examples with Zveiw, Echemanalyst (Gamry) and Python (DearEIS)

11:00  - 12:30

Session 2 (Dirk Bublitz, Gamry)

Gamry and Kolibrik products: connecting potentiostats with electronic loads, demonstrations, discussion

ZBT - The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center
Carl-Benz-Straße 201 47057 Duisburg Germany
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